Our Synod identified three big ideas to define us in the generation ahead. The first is that we are a people of evangelisation, who actively reach out to those who do not know Jesus, or who have left or forgotten him. The second is that we are a Church of lay participation, where responsibility is shared appropriately among our people and clergy. The third is we are a “synodal”community, where we make decisions together, with everyone consulted. In tandem with these ideas the Synod also commits us to consider how best we can use our wonderful resources of clergy and people, as well as our material and financial resources, to move from a being Church of Maintenance to a Church of Mission. With fewer priests and with the population shifts of the past fifty years, we must now ask: have we too many parishes for our current needs and are our parishes in the right places? So reflection and discussion on the kind of Church we God wills for us will also include assessment of the present configuration of our parishes and the deployment of our clergy in the light of the challenges which lie ahead. Our Making All Things New process asks our people to discern what are the best skins to contain this new wine of the Holy Spirit in the twenty-first century.