If you have a notice you would like added to the list, email notices@rcdop.org.uk.
Podcast: In the latest episode, we look back at the 50th anniversary celebrations at St Francis of Assisi parish in Port Glasgow. You can listen to all episodes at www.rcdop.org.uk/podcast and on all major streaming platforms. Don’t forget to subscribe/follow and review!
Safeguarding Though for the Month: January 2025. We provide training and support for all who are responsible for safeguarding.
Safeguarding Training: Safeguarding Induction Training has been organised into one course only. If you are a new volunteer, or one who completed Part 1 training more than one year ago, please sign up for a training sessions. Contact Sarah Jane on 0141 847 6138 or safeguardingadmin@rcdop.org.uk. The next sessions are on Tue 21st Jan and Tue 25th Feb at 7pm in the Diocesan Offices, Paisley.
Youth to Lourdes: You are invited to a Fundraising Dinner on Sat 1st March 2025 in Greenock Town Hall. 7pm for 7.30pm. Tickets cost £40 (including 3 course meal). For tickets and more info, email iainmclean@rcdop.org.uk or call 07950483042. Donations for the raffle and auction will be gratefully received. A bus will be provided for those travelling from the Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire deaneries.
Lourdes Hospitalité: Booking is now open for the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes (28th June - 3rd July 2025). Book via the Tangney Tours website; booking forms will be available soon. If you have a life-limiting, chronic medical condition or are taking regular medication, you should register with the medical/nursing team. If you would like to come to Lourdes as a registered sick pilgrim, please come to a meeting on 26th Jan at 2pm in St Ninian’s church, Gourock. Call Anne Louise on 01475 638132 for more info.
Vocation: “Behold, I have come to do your will, O God”. Can you make that offer, to put yourself at the disposal of God’s plan for his people and for the world? If you think God is calling you to be a priest, contact Fr John Morrison: 01418892026; vocations@rcdop.org.uk.
Grief to Grace Retreat: This healing retreat for victims of abuse takes place in Perth from 29th April to 4th May. Grief to Grace is a specialised 5-day programme of spiritual and psychological healing for anyone who has suffered from sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, including those abused by a religious/member of the clergy. If you are interested in this confidential healing retreat, please contact: Grief to Grace (Scotland) at margaret.clarke@grieftograceuk.org.