On Thursday 29th August 2024, Bishop Keenan preached during a Holy Mass celebrated by His Excellency Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía in St Mirin's Cathedral. [Read more]
In anticipation of Vocations Awareness Week 2024, Bishop Keenan has written the following Pastoral Letter to be read at all Masses on the weekend of the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. [Read more]
Are you a Catholic Teacher who needs your Catholic Teaching Certificate?
Setting Out on the Road is a course which leads to the award of the CTC enabling you to teach Religious Education in our Catholic schools. [Read more]
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has submitted evidence to the Scottish Parliament Health, Social Care and Sport Committee on a proposal to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. [Read more]
Bishop Keenan celebrates the annual Vocations Mass. You are invited to join him and the clergy of the diocese in praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life and diaconate.